by Ira S. Griffith
ADVANCED PROJECTS IN WOODWORK is a collection of projects designed
to meet the needs of classes in high school woodworking. These projects
presuppose familiarity with woodworking processes, tools, and the two
simple joints required in the making of projects contained in the
author's Projects in Beginning Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing.
The drawings are complete only as to their general dimensions.
The working out of details, such as the sizes of mortises and tenons
and their locations, is left for the pupil in his work in drawing and
It is expected that the projects will afford suitable basic
material for classes in woodworking design. It remains for the
instructor to point out the manner in which this material may be used.
For illustration, many beginning students are slow in appreciation of
possible modifications in structure or decoration. Circular tops may be
used instead of square or octagonal, and vice versa. Modification of the
manner of filling side spaces with slats offers variety in initiative.
Vertical posts may be made tapering and vice versa. Rails and stretchers
may be variously employed. There is almost always a choice in the
matter of joints,—keyed or thru or blind tenon. Fig. 1 is suggestive as
to possible modifications of a type.
In addition to the possible structural modifications, the
plates suggest variation in the matter of decorative ornament such as
pierced and carved forms and simple inlay. Such ornament will, of
course, be kept subordinate to the structural design.
The upholstering of stool tops and seats for chairs provides another problem in variation.
Little, if any, use is made of dowels as substitutes for the
mortise-and-tenon. While it is true that modern commercial practice
makes much use of dowels in this way, the author feels that such
practice is too often contrary to the principles of good construction.
Its genesis lies in economy of material rather than in any superiority
as a fastening device.
In the designing of these projects the author has had in mind at all times the thought that most of the students using them would have access only to a band-saw or
jig-saw and a miter-box in addition to the regular hand tool
equipment. For this reason such projects as hall clocks, mission beds,
etc., have been excluded. The exceptional student will find projects of
sufficient size to tax his ability and muscle. Easier projects and lighter projects have
been provided for the weaker members of the class while the use of
slats or their omission will provide additional variation in time of
The use of stock ordered 8-4-8 (surfaced on four sides) has not been
anticipated. The use of stock S-2-S and moldings such as are carried
in stock by lumber yards is presupposed. If a working principle for
the use of stock partly prepared were asked for it would be: Any
that is carried as stock and which does not have to be ordered
especially worked for the project a boy elects or designs may be made
use of legitimately. Such a principle would permit the use of stock
S-2-S, moldings of stock pattern, hardware such as hinges and locks
without any suggestion of deception. It would exclude table legs and
tops, etc., especially prepared at a mill, and offers a rational
dividing line between two extremes, neither of which is desirable.
Of course, these projects may be used in the teaching of the use of woodworking machinery.
No definite notes as to methods of procedure are given in this
book for the student is supposed to have acquired, thru experience with
the projects in the elementary book, enough insight to enable him to
proceed of his own accord. Definite instruction in making the new
joints, in wood-finishing, etc. will be found in Essentials of
Woodworking, a companion book.
While these projects are especially arranged for use with the
courses outlined and discussed in Correlated Courses in Woodwork and
Mechanical Drawing, by the author, there is nothing in the form of the
plates themselves to prevent their being used with any course in
Under "pieces" put the number of parts that are alike.
Under "size" put the various dimensions of pieces. In finding
the sizes of the various pieces of lumber, examine the working drawings
for finished dimensions, making due additions for tenons, then add 1/4"
to the width and 1/2" to the length to allow for cutting out and squaring
up. Tho you are to make use of stock mill-planed to thickness, you are
to specify the thickness from which this mill-planed stock is got. Allow
at least 1/8" for mill-planing.
Remember that length always means along the grain.
Fractions of an inch in width and length are not considered.
Neither are fractions of a cent in the final results. If the fraction is 1/2 or over, take the next higher whole number. If it is less than 1/2, drop it. Fractions of an inch in thickness that are over 1" and
fractions of a cent in the price per foot are to be figured as they are.
Lumber is measured by the superficial foot which is 1" x 12" x
12". Boards that are less than 1" thick are sold by surface measure. In
other words, boards less than 1" thick are figured for quantity as 1"
Standard sawed thicknesses are 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2 ",
3", 3 1/2", 4". Thicknesses less than 1" necessitate
re-sawing these sizes. In some communities the price per square foot for
re-sawed stock varies for each difference of 1/4" in thickness.
In figuring, multiply the length by the width by the
thickness, by the number of pieces. If any piece is less than 1" thick
figure it as 1". Combine all results that are the same in price per
foot. Reduce to square feet by dividing by 144. Reduce decimally and do
not carry the result beyond tenths place. Dispose of any fractional part
beyond tenths as directed above. Write your result in fractional form
that the decimal point may not be overlooked and be the cause of
The price list gives the price of lumber per 1,000 feet. The price per foot is readily obtainable.
In figuring finish for these cabinet pieces, double the number
of feet of stock as given by the stock bill to get the number of feet
of finish. This is only an approximate method but is sufficiently
accurate for such pieces as are to be made in first year high school.
Exercises—Miter Joint, Glue Joint.
Exercises—Modeling, Hammer Handles.
Necktie Rack.
Upholstered Stool.
Leg Rest.
Wall Shelves.
Stool (square).
Taboret (octagonal top).
Taboret (round top).
Small Table.
Taboret (square top).
Piano Bench.
Piano Bench.